Wednesday, July 6, 2016

I tend to find this blog again every once-in-a-blue-moon.

Okay, so why not get personal this time? I have a job at a grocery store called Brookshires. It's just a small town hick-store, pretty easy work considering I'm a cashier. Although I envy the workers in the gas station who sit there and play on their phones and get paid as much as I do.

I'm 17, turning 18 in about a month. I'm graduating in just a couple of short months. So I must ask the ever living question, what next? Well, I was supposed to take an exam for the military called the ASVAB a couple of months ago, but they pushed it back to April. It decides what positional placements you are eligible for when you sign with the military. I plan on joining either the Air Force, or the Navy ( my grandfather was a chief petty officer in the Navy )

Okay, so in regard to actual science, I was thinking about an instance in my very far past where I was talking to a psychologist or therapist or something, and they asked if I felt any power over them. This question stuck I guess, it was quizzing to my small brain at the time. I have just now found the solution to her question, the answer is yes. Yes I did, or at least I would now.

People say knowledge is power, I disagree with that. They are not directly related.

Knowledge is a reaction of a good memory, and a good memory requires a high level of intellect to use correctly in order to gain power.

So knowledge isn't power, intelligence isn't power, so what is power? What causes people to follow a single individual to the end? Fear? maybe, although I find the most powerful way to get people to follow you is to make them think you know what you're doing and they don't, giving you a chance to actually be at a higher level of knowledge than they are.

All of this leads to the simple fact that comprehension is power, how you perceive other people gives you either a reason to follow them or get them to follow you.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hello world

My name is Andrew proffer, and this is now the documentation of the creation of a very unique individual, a journal of scientific advancement.

I say I am unique, but, many do not realize just how unique they really are. I hate all the hippie stuff about "Being yourself" - "You're amazing just the way you are" (yes that was a song quote, although i do not remember whom ). It's just as mainstream as everything else nowadays, what I'm doing right now is mainstream.... So shouldn't i just stop what I'm writing and select it all, and erase it?


What I've just written has little to no possibility to having ever been written before, and, in knowing that, how can i destroy something so untouched? so pristine.

I'm mumbling, sorry.

On to me again (Yay!!!) - Speaking of (Yay!!!), if you get the reference.... Then god bless you. ;)
(Hint: BTC )

Once again, back on track, I have previously rambled in a completely unattractive manner about things i barely understood. This is my quest to become to understand the world around me, from every vocabulary word, to every equation.

I'm currently learning about, well, the "system" per say in physics class. Mostly in regard to the thermal laws of physics. ( The thermodynamic properties of the universe, 1 and 2 )

1: Energy may not be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another, ultimately ending up as heat.

2: The universe tends to chaos. - My teacher used a relatively good metaphor to explain this to the, erm, "Educationally inadequate" students (yes I'm pretty sure i made that up ) - If your room becomes a hazard to society like mine (understatement, ha-ha.) that you have to use energy to clean it up, and in using that energy, you transferred the chaos from the clothes into heat fleeing into space. Basically everything turns into heat, the end....

I kept trying to ask my teacher if we could reverse time in a controlled space and re-create fusion, she seemed a bit too mind blown by the question to answer. So, basically if we did that, breaking the first rule, and potential I believe for breaking the second because
1:even if heat is released, if the energy is re-created, then the universe is back to how it was ( to a certain point )
2: TIME TRAVEL - just, yeah....

OH by the way, time travel to the past is generally impossible, sorry doctor who fans, no wormholes any time soon. ( background radiation would cycle through infinitely like a portal in portal 2, causing it to collapse instantly )

What else is there to talk about? I'm sure there's at least some person, at 12 AM reading this years from now, and watching vsauce videos on youtube from 2012. Speaking of vsauce - he's a pretty darn cool dude, he provokes deep thought more than any other youtuber that I know of.

Well i guess we should talk about technology for a bit, so I have a pretty nice computer, i borrowed a 650 gtx from a friend of mine because his apu was destroyed by lightning. and i have 6gb of RAM at a terribly low frequency. I'm sure the one person in 2021 reading this is probably an AI just documenting history, so i guess I should talk about quantum computing so it can laugh at me.

Ok, so, long story short - you know the 1's and 0's in binary machine code? The processor that is quantumly entangled, or something of that matter - deals with a 1 and a 0 at the same time, called a qubit whereas the norm is the bit. So I'm guessing that 128gb of regular RAM would be 256gb on a quantum computer, which is able to call for qRAM much quicker - using less energy in the process.
So the new computers will probably be faster than 50 of my desktops, no, more than that....
I'm talking they'll be using these things to predict weather, anything.

I want to get my hands on a quantum asic bitcoin miner, now thats an idea ;)

Bye world!

Monday, August 18, 2014

I haven't posted in a very long time. I am now a junior in high School.

It really surprises me every time I read something from my past, messages over Facebook, post's on this blog. It's all documentation of my recent intelligence.

Which begs to question, how much do we change exactly? Well, I know at least that your brain is constantly changing with it's changing environment.

I see the human brain, in computing terms, to be a very humble processor. Although you think you can "think" quite a bit, you tend to run more on memory than actual thought. Just think about it, when do "you" really do anything that "you" decided to do?

Ok, well that sounds pretty stupid, of course you can decide what you do and what you don't do. But it's why you do it that relates to your memory. So all you really think about is why you should, or shouldn't do that deed, in accordance to your experiences, and others experiences.

But why did I use quotation marks on the You? It's sad to explain this, but what You are is a bunch of connections. Things you have learned over your years on this planet, And you're constantly learning new things. It puzzles me, but i think a good way to explain this is to look at civilization, if people just magically invented things, wouldn't we have advanced into a perfect civilization by now? No, because advancement comes from advancement. From the second Benjamin Franklin discovered the powers of electricity, to the first micro-processor. Is basically a spec in the development of, well, us. And yet it has made more of a change in our daily lives, than all of our ancestors combined.

Another aspect of the idea that contributes to this phenomenon, is the fact that people tend to follow, other than be followed. So when you have one hundred people following one person, instead of one hundred people following themselves. There is much less differentiation among the populace.

But why are we so different than other people? Well, I honestly think people weren't all that much different a long time ago. We just have more chances to be different.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Making wormholes with negative energy.

Making wormholes is sought after by all cosmology fanatics, because it would mean inter-galactic travel, but is the theory of wormholes actually true? If it was would you really be able to control where you go? I think you would go to the same place you were before (likely in planetary orbit around earth) And you would instantly start disintegrating into nothingness, and the reason is in my last theory, the theory that anti-matter is the product of a negatively charged universe, unlike ours. But more on that is in the post.

Making these portals would require the manipulation of negative energy, likely opening the skin (or whatever it is) between our universe and there's. Which would be awesome, but also dangerous, for them and for us. (if there is a them)
 Anti-matter is real, and apparently it's elementaly specific which amazed me to find. Me and a guy I know Ryan were having a conversation, and he brought up anti-matter, and i figured it was impossible because it would annihilate instantly, but there are other ways to control it.

       I think anti-matter is the product of a universe parallel to ours where anti-matter dominated the existence of matter as we know it by (1/1,000,000,000) instead of the other way around, (our universe). Anti-hydrogen stars produced negative energy the same way our sun makes positive energy. ( All this throwing out the theory that there are other universes similar to ours, but vibrating at a different tone. (which is preposterous))
Making them undetectable in our electromagnetic spectrum, but they are. Steven Hawking has a theory that there were multiple universes around us at the time of the big bang, but they weren't perfect like our's, either matter and anti-matter destroyed each other, or something else happened to make the production of hydrogen impossible. But this "negative" universe is likely exactly the same as ours, except completely opposite (particle-wise) , my "anti-self" is likely writing the same thing I am on his computer, and you're "anti-self" is reading this blog post.

About dark-matter, I haven't yet decided whether or not they have dark-matter like us, or if to use it would be "light-matter" if this is the case, then this might be what they're milky-way would likely look like.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I was reading a page on Wikipedia about nuclear fusion, and the writer said that there were complications with charging the hydrogen plasma... And at that very second i was delighted to have come up with the solution, NEON, or more preferably the most conductive noble gas. Charging it in a highly pressurized form would probably be conductive enough to form helium molecules, producing phenomenal amounts of energy.